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Partnership opportunities
Partnership opportunities
Partnership opportunities
hydropower pro
The clean energy transition is creating millions of new renewable energy and transition jobs worldwide. But some workers and communities will need to adapt to a more sustainable future.
The goal of a just transition is to ensure that no one is left behind. Therefore, to achieve their renewable goals, countries need to address the skills gap together with the transition.
Globally, the hydropower industry is facing a growing demand for a skilled workforce. Some of the key staffing challenges include decreasing knowledge and skills due to retirement, lack of formal hydropower education and competition for skilled workers with other renewable technologies. A career in hydropower provides access to many of the most exciting opportunities in the global economy, with the potential to appeal to a wide spectrum of society.
This session will look at the many opportunities and challenges in securing the next generation workforce needed to deliver the renaissance in hydropower.
The session will have three areas of focus: