
Beyond power: hydropower’s role in managing the world's water resources

Nusa Dua 1-4
Thursday, November 2, 2023
09:30 – 11:00 WITA


The sustainable planning and operation of water and energy systems are intrinsically linked to one another. With water and electricity demand expected to increase by more than 50% by 2050, and irrigated land needing to increase by around 60% to meet future food security needs, this represents one of humanity’s biggest challenges in the coming decades.  

Hydropower has a crucial role to play in managing global water resources and mitigating climate change, alongside adjacent technologies such as floating solar. But holistic planning is crucial to maximise the full potential of hydropower’s water benefits.  

Multisectoral dialogues are lacking. In the governing of hydropower, a more integrative approach is needed that can assist countries in recognising the necessary governance conditions for joint, intersectoral planning at national and transboundary levels and help water systems adapt to climate change through investments in water, energy and agriculture. If done effectively, this approach can ultimately reconcile human development needs with the sustainable use of water resources, soil, and conservation and restoration of functioning ecosystems.


  • James Dalton, Director, Global Water Programme, IUCN Liu Yi, Vice President, IWHR
  • Liu Yi, Vice President, IWHR​
  • Satyawan Pudyatmoko, Director General of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation, Government of Indonesia
  • Nikolai Podguzov, Chairman, EDB
  • Daler Juma, Minister of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan
  • Xavier Ducos, Director - Dams, Hydropower and Infrastructures, Artelia
  • Nicole Silk, Global Director of Freshwater Outcomes, TNC
  • Mr. Nabin Raj Singh, Joint Secretary in Energy Division of the Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation, Government of Nepal

Session objectives

This session will explore the challenges and opportunities for hydropower’s role in managing global water resources, including:

  • How the reinforcing interlinkages between good hydropower governance and improved infrastructure investments, development and operation can deliver climate resilience benefits across different sectors
  • Hydropower sustainability tools that are assisting countries in developing climate-resilient hydropower infrastructure
  • How a multisectoral approach for tackling water supply and demand management can facilitate the realisation of hydropower reservoirs’ wider benefits  
  • The importance of water storage for climate mitigation, adaptation and water resource management
  • How multi-purpose dams, if managed responsibly and in accordance with international best practices, can bring a range of societal and environmental benefits to local communities


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